As bosphorusbusiness Law Firm, we collect your personal data within the scope of Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) in the manner described, below, and within the limits of the KVKK.

  1. Purpose of Collecting Your Personal Data

In accordance with Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the KVKK, your personal data shall be collected as follows:

· In conformity with the law and in good faith;

· Being accurate and up to date, if necessary;

· Being collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes;

· Being relevant, limited and proportionate to the purposes for which the data is collected;

· Being preserved for the period of time stipulated by the relevant legislation, or the purposes for which they are collected; by bosphorusbusiness Law Firm to provide you with information on legal developments and newsletters.

  • The Method and Legal Reasın for Collection of Personal Data

Your personal data is collected by bosphorusbusiness Law Firm through the newsletter registration form and the bosphorusbusiness Law Firm communication forms. Your personal data is collected upon obtaining your express consent as regulated in Article 5 of the KVKK, and for the realization of the purposes indicated in this Information Form of bosphorusbusiness Law Firm.

  • Collecting Time of Your Personal Data

bosphorusbusiness Law Firm, preserves the personal data that it collectes in an accurate and up-to-date manner in accordance with up-to-date technological methods. bosphorusbusiness Law Firm will delete the personal data either by itself, or upon request by the data subject upon the reasons that require collecting becoming obsolete.

  • Your Rights within the Scope of KVKK

Under the KVKK, you have the right to:

a. Ascertain whether or not your personal data has been collected;

b. Request information if your personal data has been collected;

c. Ascertain the purpose of collecting of your personal data, and whether or not it has been used in accordance with the intended purpose;

d. Be made aware of the third parties within the country, or abroad, to whom your personal data has been transferred;

e. Request rectification of incomplete or inaccurate data, if any;

f. Request deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions set forth under Article 7 of the KVKK;

g. Request notification of transactions made as per subparagraphs (e) and (f) to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred;

h. Object to unfavorable consequences as a result of the analysis of the data that has been collected exclusively through automatic systems;

i. Request compensation for damages arising from unlawful collecting of your personal data.

5. Application to bosphorusbusiness Law Firm within the Scope of your Rights under KVKK

For the purposes of exercising your rights as stated, above, you must send your requests that include your identity information, address, e-mail address, telephone number and fax number, with your signature if your application is made in writing or e-mail address that you previously notified bosphorusbusiness Law Firm of, and that is in our records, or through software, or by way of application that has been developed for the purposes of application, to bosphorusbusiness Law Firm’s addresses of Büyükdere Caddesi, No: 99/5, 34387, Şişli, İstanbul, Türkiye”or to